Principal’s Message

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Drumshanbo Vocational School including students, teachers, parents and community, seek to provide for the intellectual/curricular, physical, social and personal education of the student.

The school aims to establish, develop and nurture attitudes, values and behaviour which will enable the whole school community to reach its full potential.

All students are encouraged to find their own strengths in order to grow into self-confident and responsible adults. Within a firmly established program of pastoral care, we seek to enhance the spiritual aspects of our students’ lives.

Martin Fallon

March 2014

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November 25th 2014 – report from Mr John king Schools Volleyball: Senior A

Girls Gaelic Football (Report from Mr Cullen. Dec 2014)The Senior and Junior (under

Thanks to our Sponsors: Mr Batty Gibbons (Centra), Mr Karl Scollan (Gala), Mr