Instructional Leadership

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Instructional Leadership to improve the learning experience for our students

Drumshanbo VS  is a participant in the Instructional Leadership programme, initiated in the post primary sector in Ireland by the IVEA (now the ETBI).  This programme is facilitated by Professor Barrie Bennett, author of “Graphic Intelligence”, “Classroom Management” and “Beyond Monet”.  This programme aims to:

This year two of our teachers are in their second year of the Instructional Leadership Programme. These teachers help disseminate these teaching methods among colleagues and are involved in constant training and networking among others trained teachers in other schools. The ETBI envisage that these methods will eventually become common place in the repertoire of all professional teachers. It is expected that these teaching methods will help to make the learning experience a more enjoyable and successful one for our students.

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November 25th 2014 – report from Mr John king Schools Volleyball: Senior A

Girls Gaelic Football (Report from Mr Cullen. Dec 2014)The Senior and Junior (under

Thanks to our Sponsors: Mr Batty Gibbons (Centra), Mr Karl Scollan (Gala), Mr